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7050 West Palmetto Park Rd #15-434, Boca Raton, FL 33433-3461

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Thank you for considering the Martial Arts Group Inc. for your business insurance needs.
We have many schools/businesses that do different styles so we had to look at more than one carrier to meet certain needs. Unfortunately that means we will not have a rate guide up for viewing as it matters which carrier your business fits with and the state you are located in.

Please see the link below for the short application and email us ( this can be faxes or mailed in if needed) so we can review it and get you a quote as soon as possible. [email protected]
Please note the carriers do not cover Sharp blades/weapons, full for contact, boxing rings, boxing, or octagons with this application. Please call us at 1-800-207-6603 for an application to quote those activities.
Usually we can give a quick quote over the phone if you like before submitting this application, however, we will not be able to bind coverage without this first initial application.

Click Here for the Application and Rate guide in PDF format.

Insurance App and Questionnaire